2022 Detroit Music Awards phase 2 is open! ***You asked for a change*** The Young New Generation of Real Detroit Rock!
It’s that time of year again! The DMA’s! Phase 2 nominations have begun and Kougaran has made it once again! It was awesome for us to make it as far as we did last year in the DMA’s. We were so close last year but we have hopes for this year! If you are a voting member, please go to https://www.Detroitmusicawards.net/phase-2-nominations and keep us in the running! We made it into 3 Rock categories this year!
****Outstanding Heavy/Rock Artist (Kougaran)
****Outstanding Guitarist Instrumentalist (Kougaran’s Niko Puzio)
****Outstanding Percussionist (Kougaran’s Gino Puzio)
